您在網站的捐款過程,會由銀行提供安全機制及信用卡捐款流程,您可以安心的填寫下列資料,然後按下確定鈕,認證資料或許會花您一些寶貴的時間,請耐心等待,不要重複輸入或關閉瀏覽器。 During your giving process on the website, the bank will provide a security mechanism and a credit card giving process. You can fill in the following information with peace of mind, and then press the OK button. The authentication information may take some precious time for you. Please be patient and don’t repeat input or close the browser. 刷卡者姓名 Card holder 主要聯絡電話 Contact number 奉獻項目 Giving project 教會愛幫 (奉獻金額贊助1人500元,以此類推,例如1人500元、2人1000元)慈善救災其他 Others 金額 Amount 收據抬頭 Receipt name 同刷卡者姓名 Same name as credit card holder 領取收據方式 Get receipt 自取 Self-collected 月寄 Monthly mail 年寄 Yearly mail 上傳國稅局 Upload to the IRS (選擇「上傳國稅局」者請在備註欄填寫身分證字號 Please fill in the ID number in the remarks column) (選擇「上傳國稅局」者請在備註欄填寫身分證字號 Please fill in the ID number in the remarks column)備註 Remarks